Products / Case Studies
eBus is a complete solution for the safety of transportation. With the technology of computer vision, the system can effectively monitor the status and behavior of drivers by face detection and recognition, image based physiological information measurement, behavior recognition, fatigue detection, drunk driving recognition, and painful expression analytics. If the detected status is abnormal, the system is going to take some suitable actions, warning the driver in real-time, or sending the messages to authority concerned. Furthermore, Intelligent Vision based Driver Status and Physiological Information Monitoring System can be further integrated with other Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS) to aggregate internal (such as the driver's state) and external (such as road information and road conditions) information of a moving vehicle so that the system will be much stronger to enhance the driving safety.
Besides, we also provide a back-end system to rearrange the collected data. Based on the various detected results, the data would be converted into the index of driving safety. The manager can handle all the drivers’ condition so that the system would be more comprehensive.