LeddarVision Sensor Fusion and Perception Platform for L1-L3

LeddarVision Sensor Fusion and Perception Platform for L1-L3

Products & Services
LeddarVision Sensor Fusion and Perception Platform for L1-L3
LeddarVision Sensor Fusion and Perception Platform for L1-L3
LeddarVision Sensor Fusion and Perception Platform for L1-L3


https://leddartech.com/vayavision/ Our VAYADrive software solution combines AI and computer vision technologies as well as deep neural networks with computational efficiency to scale up the performance of AV sensors and hardware essential for planning the driving path. This state-of-the-art solution enables the detection of the various objects in the scene, including vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, drivable road, obstacles, signs, lanes, lane lines, and more. VayaVision also detects very small obstacles on the road with better detection rates and less false alarms than legacy “object fusion” solutions. Unclassified obstacles are also detected, providing an additional layer of safety to the vehicle.

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