Leddar Pixell 3D Flash 180-degree SSL for Autonomous Shuttles and more

Leddar Pixell 3D Flash 180-degree SSL for Autonomous Shuttles and more

Products & Services
Leddar Pixell 3D Flash 180-degree SSL for Autonomous Shuttles and more
Leddar Pixell 3D Flash 180-degree SSL for Autonomous Shuttles and more


https://leddartech.com/lidar/leddar-pixell/ Introducing the Leddar Pixell, a 3D flash LiDAR with 180-degree field of view (FoV) specifically designed for ADAS and autonomous driving applications. Powered by the LCA2 LeddarEngine™, the Leddar Pixell provides reliable detection of pedestrians, cyclists and other obstacles in the vehicle’s surrounding and is optimized for use in perception platforms that are meant to enhance detection capabilities of vulnerable road users (VRU). The robust, solid-state Pixell compensates for the limitations of mechanical scanning LiDARs used for geo-positioning which generate blind areas that can reach several meters. The Pixell enables a comprehensive detection cocoon that surrounds the vehicle, enhancing detection coverage.

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