Solutions for Dealerships
Products & Services
We help you save time and money, improve customer experience and gain insight.
[Recover costs]
Automatically capture and recover costs like fuel, tolls, and damage while providing transparency to the customer. Recover fuel, toll and damage costs.
Average cost recovery: $65 per vehicle/month
[Track your vehicles]
Automatically capture vehicle vitals like fuel, mileage, and battery levels. With GPS, fleet vehicles can be easily tracked whether they are on or off the lot.
[Safe & secure]
Start and end contracts anytime, anywhere, and contact-free, without using a shred of paper. Industry-standard PCI compliance keeps payment information secure.
Create a contract, create a customer, close a contract, all contact-free in only 60 seconds.
[Inspire loyalty]
Dealerware reduces the traditional contracting process by 90%, respecting customer’s time & elevating their experience.
[Included in all products]
Powerful Data:
With the Dealerware Web real-time reporting dashboard, dealerships gain complete visibility into fleet and mobility program performance.
Setup & Support:
Dealerware provides our dealership customers with a personal connection to facilitate engagement and success using the platform. You will get a dedicated implementation specialist throughout setup & 24/7 access to support forms & portal.
>>> Average response time: 24 Minutes
>>> Average time to complete setup: 6 days