Investments in MedTech World
Wednesday, October 21, 2020 12:21 PM to 2:00 PM · 1 hr. 39 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Panel 1
14.20hrs - 14.45hrs The struggles of early-stage MedTech startups
Panel 2
14.45hrs - 15.00hrs Human resource management during COVID-19
Panel 3
15.00hrs - 15.25hrs The process and challenges of raising capital for early-stage MedTech startups
Panel 4
15.25hrs - 15.35hrs The growing Chinese MedTech Market
Panel 5
15.35hrs - 16.00hrs Entrepreneurship, Technology and Innovation in MedTech
Giovanni Lauricella
Vice PresidentMedTech -The Mullings GroupNikhil Sadhwani
Managing PartnerKaviar Consulting, LLCJeff Rynbrandt
President and CEOMediCool Technologies, Inc.Mareike Seeßelberg
Senior ConsultantCHINABRAND IP CONSULTING GmbHProf. Russell Smith
Director of the Centre for Entrepreneurship and Business IncubationUniversity of MaltaDr. Conrad Attard
Deputy Dean Faculty of ICT, Researcher, and LecturerUniversity of Malta; Chair - IEEE MaltaProf. Philip Farrugia
Associate ProfessorUniversity of MaltaNigel Job
CEORemtec Talent Management Ltd (Q.A)Simon Sonntag