Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti

Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti

Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti
Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti
Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti
Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti
Good neighbours: Gmm – Godi Graniti


Was running the year 1922 when Godi Graniti company was born at the time slabs were carried by Caws chisel and hammer were the only tool for granite work, the unique sound produced was timing the days. In the 1934, a pioneer granite Gangsaw was installed and been able to produce slabs in 15 days. Years were going past by and the company was growing, by taking the London White granite quarry. When the family young member took over the company, they faced the question if machine investments was the path to run. This was the begin of the new era were the neighbours went close GMM and Godi Graniti, they start pioneering the double spindle RADIA KT, blade and router on separate Spindle. Later was introduced the Sirio slabs polisher, followed in the 2004 the first Gmm ever made Litox 5 axes rotating head Bridgesaw with Vacuum manipulator. This unit blown the company and immediately two years late another Litox 1000 with vacuum was installed. This year Gmm and Godi Graniti are gathering for the Astro 300, single head slab polisher with automatic Fickert and Frankfurt automatic head change. The Astro 300 is equipped with automatic calibrator device and can be built on required length; Gmm has applied its camera technology for slabs scanning. Godi Graniti believes that experience and best performing machinery are the tools for the perfect products.
GMM S.P.A.GMM - Short history of great success GMM Spa  was established in 1993 in Gravellona Toce - Italy.The company designs, manufactures and distributes machines for cutting, working marbles, granites and travertine. Its expansion on foreign markets started in 1997, from Europe, spreading worldwide in the following years. GMM International was incorporated in the same year in Hong Kong. After a strong growth experienced in the period 1997-2004, in 2001 Mectoce Srl was established, a company dedicated to manufacturing and pre-assembly activities on behalf of GMM SpA. GMM USA Inc., Charlotte NC, was established in 2004 to better follow market and after sales on North America area. GMM Holding on 2013 extended its product range from cutting to polishing, by acquiring the company CEMAR, a highly experienced manufacturer of calibrating and polishing machines for slabs and tiles, of polishing edges machines and automatic lines for processing slabs and strips. On 2018 GMM Group acquired TECHNI WATERJET, one of the most leading producers of high pressure water jet in the world, on specific specialized in the fields of stone, glass, steel and others. GMM GROUP currently designs and manufactures A WIDE AND COMPLETE RANGE OF MACHINERY FOR PROCESSING MARBLE, GRANITE, AGGLOMERATE, PORCELAIN CERAMIC, CONCRETE to manufacture tiles, kitchen tops, vanity tops, architectural components, furnishing and monuments. The GMM PHILOSOPHY  of construction is based on the use of strong structures even in cast iron, on the use of high quality components, under the constant and  careful control of each production processes. Extremely important and winning was the choice to DEVELOP A CNC SOFTWARE INTERNALLY, studied for the specific stone working needs. The result are Machines long lasting, precise and use friendly. Over the years, the high quality level of its products and its first class maintenance services have allowed the Group to reach the number of 9000 cutting and polishing machines installed worldwide, making GMM the world leader in its segment. GMM – Breve storia di un grande successo GMM SpA è stata costituita a Gravellona Toce – Italia, nel 1993. L’Azienda progettava, costruiva e commercializzava macchine per il taglio della pietra, marmo e granito. La sua espansione sui mercati esteri ebbe inizio nel 1997, partendo dall’Europa ed espandendosi in tutto il mondo negli anni successivi. Lo stesso anno venne acquisita GMM International con sede ad Hong Kong. Si ebbe una forte espansione dal 1997 al 2004. Nel 2001 venne costituita la Mectoce, Azienda dedicata alle lavorazioni meccaniche ed ai premontaggi dei gruppi per conto di GMM. Nel 2004 venne costituita GMM USA Inc. a Charlotte NC, per seguire con maggior efficacia la vendita e l’assistenza sul mercato Nord Americano. Nel 2013 GMM amplia notevolmente il suo range produttivo entrando nel mondo della lucidatura con l’acquisizione della CEMAR, Azienda con trentennale esperienza nella progettazione e costruzione di macchine calibratrici e lucidatrici per lastre e piastrelle, di lucidacoste e di linee automatiche per processare lastre e filagne. Nel 2018 GMM group acquista la TECHNI WATERJET, uno dei più importanti produttori al mondo di waterjet ad altra pressione, specializzato nei settori pietra, vetro ed acciaio. Attualmente GMM Group progetta e produce una completa vasta gamma di macchine per processare MARMO, GRANITO, AGGLOMERATI, CERAMICA, CEMENTO, per la realizzazione di piastrelle, rivestimenti, piani da cucina e da bagno, componenti architettonici e per l’arredamento, materiali per l’arte funeraria. LA FILOSOFIA GMM è basata innanzitutto sull’avere costrizioni robuste anche in fusione, sull’utilizzo di componentistica di alta qualità, sotto l’attento e costante controllo dei processi produttivi. Certamente fondamentale e vincente è stata la scelta di sviluppare al proprio interno il SOFTWARE PER CNC , particolarmente studiato per soddisfare le esigenze delle lavorazioni della pietra. Il risultato sono macchine durevoli, precise nel tempo e facili da utilizzare. Negli anni l’alta qualità dei prodotti ha portato il gruppo a installare nel mondo oltre 9000 macchine per il taglio e la lucidatura, rendendo GMM leader nel proprio segmento di mercato.  

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