Dimension Stone Design Manual
The Dimension Stone Design Manual is the stone industry's single-source reference for dimensional stone design and construction facts and details. Contents include descriptions and technical data of individual natural stone varieties; general installation guidelines; guidelines and typical detailing for horizontal surfaces, vertical surfaces, countertops, wet areas and furniture; and maintenance of exterior and interior stone installations. Learn more: www.naturalstoneinstitute.org/resourcelibrary
Blocks of natural stoneQuarriesNatural stoneSemi-finished itemsProcessed - Finished items
Architecture and design using natural stone
Interior finishesRestorationFacadesDesign using marbleHoly arts
Architecture and design agglomerates
Interior finishesFacadesDesign using agglomerates
Machinery - plant - equipment
Tools - abrasives - chemicals
Tools and abrasivesTechnical personal safety clothing
Services - institutions - publishers