Irish Green

Irish Green

Irish Green
Irish Green
Irish Green
Irish Green


Irish Green is a marble that glorifies in shades of green, displaying uneven colouring and shading that passes from dark to light. Part of the Antolini range, it displays some whitish veins and others in a translucent apple colour that makes this a unique stone in the world. This geologically ancient stone was used by Renaissance architects to bring the colours of the fields and the forests to the splendid palaces they adorned with magnificent works that are still admired today by tourists from around the world. Thanks to its varied veining, Irish Green allows unusual patterns to be created and makes any work absolutely unique and unrepeatable.
Natural stone
ANTOLINI LUIGI & C. S.P.A.Antolini is a world leader in the natural stone production and at the absolute forefront of the industry. The mission of the company - founded by Luigi Antolini in 1956 and active today on a global scale - is to offer a wide selection of materials standing out for their unique colours, finishes and patterns. Antolini produces and distributes natural stone, highlighting and enhancing its unique beauty thanks to the skillful combination of craftsmanship and technological innovation. Quarrying from the best sites around the world with passion and insight, the company  constantly offers new and exclusive solutions, making them available to the most creative and professional minds and to the beauty lovers. Every piece of stone produced by Antolini celebrates Nature through its colours, opening itself up to interactions not only with the related worlds of interior design and furniture but also the more distant worlds of art and fashion. More than a thousand natural stones are available in the Antolini’s products portfolio. The Exclusive Stone Collection represents its continuous commitment and dedication to offer unique and extraordinary natural stone materials to its customers. Antolini è leader nella produzione della pietra naturale e avanguardia assoluta del settore. La mission dell’azienda – fondata da Luigi Antolini nel 1956 e oggi attiva a livello mondiale – è proporre un’ampia selezione di materiali che si contraddistinguono per colori, finiture e motivi unici. Antolini lavora e commercializza pietre naturali, esaltandone lo splendore e l’innata bellezza grazie al sapiente connubio di maestria artigianale e innovazione tecnologica. Attingendo con passione ed intuito dalle migliori cave di tutto il mondo, l’azienda propone soluzioni sempre nuove ed esclusive, mettendole al servizio delle menti più creative e degli amanti della bellezza. Ogni pietra firmata Antolini celebra con le sue cromie la natura, aprendosi a contaminazioni con mondi che non sono solamente i più vicini come quello dell’interior design e dell’arredo, ma anche quelli dell’arte e della moda. Tra le oltre mille pietre naturali prodotte da Antolini, la Exclusive Stone Collection rappresenta il costante impegno dell’azienda verso i propri clienti e la dedizione nel portare alla luce materiali straordinari.

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