Use Natural Stone
Services - institutions - publishers
Launched in 2016, www.usenaturalstone.org is a website dedicated to answering the question “why use natural stone?” The site features articles, imagery, and videos that aim to inspire and educate about the use of natural stone in a variety of applications: interior and exterior; residential and commercial. The website is powered by the Natural Stone Institute and supported by other stone associations and their members.
To view resources and articles about natural stone: https://usenaturalstone.org/.
Blocks of natural stoneQuarriesNatural stoneSemi-finished itemsProcessed - Finished items
Architecture and design using natural stone
Interior finishesRestorationDesign using marbleFurnishing elementsHoly arts
Architecture and design agglomerates
Interior finishesFacadesDesign using agglomerates
Machinery - plant - equipment
MachineryPlant and systemsEquipment
Tools - abrasives - chemicals
Tools and abrasivesChemicals and articles for quarrying and processingChemicals and articles for laying and installationTechnical personal safety clothing
Services - institutions - publishers