Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY

Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY

Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY
Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY
Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY
Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY
Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY
Production of natural stone kitchen countertops and interior design | URBAN QUARRY


The specialist expertise of Urban Quarry in the field of countertops processing and architectural elements in natural stone has its basis in the entrepreneurial spirit of the founder, Laurent Bellavance, who, since 1986, devoted himself to this activity both passionately and exclusively. The original team has grown to place itself on the Canadian and North American market as a reference in its sector. The development of Urban Quarry, in terms of level of working volumes and prestige, even won out against its most demanding market counterparts, is the result of an ability to combine the typical professional attention for the detail with the use of the most advanced and reliable technologies. Consistent with this principle the company has also quickly strengthened cooperation with CMS Brembana, whose work centres are considered by Urban Quarry as the technological excellence at the international level and the ideal solution to their needs. This synergic relationship is reaffirmed by the fact that the productive chain in both cutting and nishing, within the establishment of Urban Quarry, is totally entrusted to CMS Brembana machines, where six CNC machines process natural quartz surfaces (brembana speed, brembana sprint, brembana formax jet). Thanks to CMS’ machines, Urban Quarry manufactures not only kitchen tops, but also pieces for bathrooms, for replaces and for several other architectural applications.
CanadaUnited States
Project type
Residential (houses, residences, apartment buildings)Shops and show-rooms (interior design in the commercial sector)
Indoor furniture
Material used
Natural stoneQuartz