brembana g-rex: 5/6 axes CNC machine
Machinery - plant - equipment
brembana g-rex is a Numerically Controlled Machining Center with five/six interpolated axes suitable for processing both slabs and blocks even with high thickness in marble, granite, composite stone, and ceramic. It can perform each type of raw and polished contouring, as well as milling, drilling, countersinking, bas relief, writing, and blade working. This machine can be customized to the customer's needs and it’s especially designed for fabshops involved in architectural projects and in building industry in general.
brembana g-rex is also available with:
- solution to work in a pendular cycle: the front area works as a cnc center and the back area works as a bridge saw, with automatic stations for tool and disk change
- solution for an integrated line to work slabs equipped as: automatic loading, cutting area, contouring area and storage
- +43% stiffness on rotary axes
- quality without compromise
- Z-axis stroke up to 2000 mm
- The best solution for block machining (disks with a diameter up to 1.200 mm)
Architecture and design using natural stone
Interior finishesRestorationExterior, gardens and street furnitureDesign using marbleFurnishing elementsHoly arts
Architecture and design agglomerates
Interior finishesFacadesDesign using agglomeratesAccessories
Machinery - plant - equipment