Inova-Ria – Association of Companies for an Innovation Network – is a non-profit organization created in 2003, and it’s located in Aveiro, Portugal. Its fundamental mission consists in the consolidation of a group of companies of telecommunications which contributes for the development and competitiveness of the Aveiro Region and of the ICT Sector in Portugal.
Inova-Ria main goals include the promotion of synergies and economies of scale in several areas like: innovation, R&D and collaborative development, professional training, marketing and promotion, commercialization and internationalization.
At the moment, Inova-Ria has 66 associated companies, representing an aggregated turnover of 239 Million Euros, employing 2400 persons, whose great majority (more than 70%) has a high education degree. When it comes to mention the names of the associated companies, names like Nokia Siemens Networks, Ericsson and Portugal Telecom Innovation points out, as well as other SME’s with an active presence in international markets.