PISAX - Threat Intelligence Sharing within Internet Exchange points and GPRS Roaming Exchanges

Wednesday, November 18, 2020 3:00 PM to 3:30 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)
Workshop virtual room
CybersecurityThreat intelligence


Threat Intelligence sharing and situational awareness are crucial in today’s world, particularly during Covid situation where digitalisation is becoming the major challenge.

In this context, this presentation will highlight PISAX, a new threat Intelligence sharing platform which aims at helping Internet Exchange Points and GRX communities to share Cybersecurity informations.

This presentation will also bring some focus on compliance aspects related to this initiative mainly on security side driven by the NIS directive but also on the privacy side linked to GDPR.

PISAX Introduction by Nicolas Debeffe
PISAX's journey within GSMA by Alexandre De Oliveira
PISAX and the compliance challenges by Nastassia Salash

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