Publishnews Informaciones Editoriales
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The communication medium for book professionals in Spanish.
More than 10,000 publishers, librarians, typesetters, illustrators, translators, designers, booksellers, distributors and proofreaders read us daily in Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Argentina, USA, Peru and Central America.
Subscribe to our daily -and free- newsletter with the most important news. Every Friday we launch our weekly newsletter in English to let the rest of the world know what we are doing in the Spanish edition.
We are the channel to enter the world of books in Spanish. We keep in touch with all professional associations and guilds in all Spanish-speaking countries.
And if you want more, become a premium member: for 25€ a year you have access to all reports, features and special interviews. For less than a coffee a month, we tell you everything you need to know about everything that happens in every link of the book value chain.