City of London Corporation

Campaign of the Year

About This Entry

Entry Title
Plastic Free City
Entry Description
In July 2018 the City of London Corporation launched the Plastic Free City campaign aimed primarily at businesses in the Square Mile. The campaign comprised three key aspects designed to tackle the rising tide of single use plastics entering the terrestrial and marine environments. To date the campaign has seen an estimated reduction of over 5 million single use plastic items by the 80 plus business members.

About This Category

About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself. The communications function is more integral to what councils do than ever. Influencing behaviour – in relation to, for example, recycling, transport or looking out for older neighbours – is increasingly important, as is the need to build trust in the difficult decisions councils have to take in these challenging times. Campaigns can make a significant contribution to achieving these objectives, and this award is designed to showcase councils’ expertise in this area.

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