Bristol City Council

Campaign of the Year

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Across the UK, political fractures have led to a rise in race related hate crime. Growing intolerance of perceived difference is particularly visible on social media. #WeAreBristol aimed to generate a strong sense of civic pride, encouraging citizens to reflect on what unites, not divides them. Delivered on a budget of £25,000, the ‘Hero film’ was the centrepiece of a wider campaign, targeting specific neighbourhoods and communities using geo-fencing on social media. It gained 306,736 views for the six-week active run-time. The hashtag had 12.8 million views, and is now part of the algorithm of suggested hashtags for Bristol content.

About This Category

About Category
This award is open to a single council or where appropriate a partnership of councils, or a council-owned company. Private sector partners can enter on a council’s behalf, with the permission of the council itself. The communications function is more integral to what councils do than ever. Influencing behaviour – in relation to, for example, recycling, transport or looking out for older neighbours – is increasingly important, as is the need to build trust in the difficult decisions councils have to take in these challenging times. Campaigns can make a significant contribution to achieving these objectives, and this award is designed to showcase councils’ expertise in this area.

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