HepaSCREEN: a platform of human-based liver models for drug discovery and diagnostic applications
TTO offers
Contact: Ruani Fernando, In vitro Toxicology and Dermato-cosmetology research group, VUB - ruani.fernando@vub.be
Human-relevant hepatic cell models, that optimally reflect liver disease and/or drug induced hepatotoxicity, are of key value to drug discovery and development programs. However, there are diverse needs throughout the drug-development pipeline. Some applications are best served by simple hepatic cultures, compatible with high throughput systems for rapid and cost-effective screening. However, as the liver is a complex organ, the modelling of more complex biology may require three-dimensional and/or multi-cellular models. In addition, genetic variation appears to contribute to variations in drug response observed across human populations, driving the push for a more personalized approach. The degree of model complexity must therefore be balanced against the required outputs, making that one model rarely fits all needs. The Brussels Liver Research to Valorisation Alliance (B-Liver) takes a tiered approach to this problem. B-Liver combines the liver cell biology, pathology and toxicology expertise of Vrije Universiteit Brussels’ liver research groups towards the development of a range of industry relevant models and tools for liver toxicity, disease prediction and therapeutic applications. The platform comprises a diverse range of human-based (stem) cell models, ranging from simple to complex hepatic cell systems, tailored to NASH, NAFLD and DILI applications. We look for partners who require adaptable in vitro models, within a drug discovery and development context, to optimally tailor our technologies, models and tools towards industry needs.
Licensing opportunity: https://vubtechtransfer.be/en/human-skin-precursor-derived-hepatic-cells-for-drug-safety-and-liver-disease-applications