CCR8 as a novel biomarker for the specific targeting of a highly suppressive tumor infiltrating regulatory T cell subset.
Next generation targets & therapeutics
"Helena. Van Damme1,2, Bruno. Dombrecht3, Máté. Kiss1,2, Heleen. Roose4, Elizabeth. Allen4, Eva. Van Overmeire1,2, Liesbet. Martens5,6,7, Aleksandar. Murgaski1,2, Pauline. M. R. Bardet1,2, Daliya. Kancheva1,2, Evangelia. Bolli1,2, Maryse. Schmoetten1,2, Yvon. Elkrim1,2, James. Dooley8, Julia. K. Schwarze9, Frank. Tacke10, Kiavash. Movahedi1,2, Niels. Vandamme11,12, Bart. Neyns9, Sebahat. Ocak13,14, Isabelle. Scheyltjens1,2, Frank. Aboubakar Nana14,15, Pascal. Merchiers4, Damya. Laoui1,2*† and Jo. A. Van Ginderachter1,2*†."
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