Prone Crawl Breast Couch for radiotherapy of breast cancer in prone position
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Contact: David Aubert, Business Developer MedTeg - David.Aubert@ugent.be
Level-I clinical evidence supports a change-of-practice from supine to prone treatment position for patients requiring adjuvant breast cancer radiotherapy: lower acute toxicity, better cosmetic outcome, lower lung and heart doses leading to lower risk of radiation-induced lung cancer and cardiac complications, respectively. Switching to prone breast radiotherapy is hampered by drawbacks of commercially available prone positioning devices: instability and less precise positioning, less patient comfort and restricted scope of application to patients requiring breast-only radiotherapy (i.e. no lymph node irradiation). The purpose of this presentation is to demonstrate that the Prone Crawl Breast Couch (PCT/EP2015/056176. UGent) offers a performant solution of these drawbacks without loss of the advantages of prone adjuvant breast cancer radiotherapy.
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