Fungi & yeasts
Collaboration offers
Public collection - Patent deposits - Strain analysis - Training
Public collection:
The BCCM collections provide long term storage and handle all administrative and technical aspects of quality controls and distribution to third parties, freeing up valuable time for you to invest in innovative research!
The BCCM/MUCL Agro-food & Environmental Fungal Collection develops and preserves the collection of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and filamentous fungi and yeasts related to environment, agriculture, industry or food.
The BCCM/IHEM Fungi Collection: Human & Animal Health is a fungal culture collection focusing in medical and veterinary isolates.
Patent deposits:
The BCCM collections are recognised as an IDA by the World Intellectual Property Organisation. We stand ready to help you comply with all laws and regulations regarding patent applications involving biological materials.
Strain analysis:
The BCCM collections provide a range of service analyses related to identification, characterisation and isolation of all microbial resources.
The BCCM collections offer both theoretical and hands-on training in laboratory techniques, management of a culture collection and legal aspects (Nagoya protocol, Budapest Treaty,...)