BioGelator: peptide-based hydrogel platform for controlled drug delivery
New technologies
All information and contacts are listed in the tech offer (URL below).
Annemieke Madder (1), Richard Hoogenboom (1), Steven Ballet (2), Charlotte Martin (2), An Van Den Bulcke (3), Pieterjan Merckx (3)
1: Organic and Biomimetic Chemistry Research Group, Department of Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium
2: Research Group of Organic Chemistry, Departments of Chemistry and Bioengineering Sciences, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium
3: ChemTech Life Sciences - Ghent University, Campus Sterre, Krijgslaan 281 S4, 9000 Gent, Belgium
Intravenous administration of biologics is burdened by a generally low bioavailability at the active site and systemic adverse events. The BioGelator platform entails a novel class of short, tuneable peptides that self-assemble into a biodegradable hydrogel with a unique shear-thinning behavior. In this way, a peptide hydrogel pre-loaded with a therapeutic cargo is injectable as a liquid at any site of the human body, followed by spontaneous reassembly into a local, biodegradable scaffold. The latter then functions as a delivery depot that is customizable for sustained release of payloads that are specific to the desired application. Importantly, being a platform technology, release kinetics and residence time can be adapted accordingly through rational design of the peptide sequence. Hence, the BioGelator platform can be applied to ultimately enhance the local bioavailability, potency and safety of therapeutics that are otherwise administered intravenously. The BioGelator technology was developed as a collaborative project between UGent (prof. Annemieke Madder & prof. Richard Hoogenboom) and VUB (Prof. Steven Ballet). Supported by ChemTech Life Sciences (An Van Den Bulcke, senior business developer & Pieterjan Merckx, project manager), we are currently establishing a valorization roadmap and actively seeking partnerships for clinical implementation.
Presenting author:
Contact Pieterjan Merckx or An Van Den Bulcke on the Poster Session page for more information!