Quality by Design
Professional Services / Consulting
QbD is a partner in the development of qualitative and advances therapies and technologies for the benefit of patients and consumers worldwide. Our knowledge and expertise are at our clients’ disposal.
We gained this expertise in following main domains:
- Quality Assurance
- Validation & Qualification
- Regulatory Affairs
- Projectmanagement & Support
Within our two focal points (ATMPs and Medical Devices), we want to take on a pioneering role on a global level and help determine the rules in these two fields.
In the short and mid long term, we aim to be present in 5 European countries by starting up QbD subsidiaries or via acquisitions. Additional to those, we also aim to have a few subsidiaries in North-America and Asia.
It’s QbD’s ambition to:
- Being present in all continents worldwide
- Being present in minimum 5 European countries with more than 50 staff members per country
- Having an active participation in at least one company dealing with ATMPs and one company dealing with medical devices
- Being a full service knowledge organization with full expertise in:Process development within ATMPs
Quality Assurance and Regulatory
Medical Devices
Artificial Intelligence/Deep Learning - Become, with QbD Software, a premium supplier for the life sciences
- Having CSV outsourcing/off shoring/near shoring on point
Quality Control / Quality managementRegulatory Affairs
Sponsor Type
ExhibitorStrategic Partner