At VIB, a life sciences research institute based in Flanders, Belgium, we explore the basic molecular mechanisms of life. From micro-organisms over plants to human beings, we investigate the intricate biology underlying both health and disease. Our cutting-edge basic research is complemented by a strong focus on translating scientific results into pharmaceutical, agricultural, and industrial applications.
VIB’s Innovation & Business team currently has a portfolio of 230 patent families. This team conducts about 120 partnering agreements with innovative companies each year. VIB is also firmly-rooted in a long-standing tradition of setting up start-up companies. Since its foundation in 1996, VIB has created 25 start-up companies, now employing over 875 people. Find out more on vib.be.
As a research institute with more than 25 years of experience in life sciences, VIB is fully committed to helping to slow the spread of the novel coronavirus and mitigating its effects. To this end, VIB scientists are working tirelessly, together with partners at home and abroad, to leverage our experience, expertise, and infrastructure in the fight against COVID-19. In July 2020, VIB launched the spin-off company ExeVir Bio to bring a newly developed,antibody-based COVID-19 drug to the clinic.
Another aspect of VIB is to structurally support translational and/or disruptive research programs in order to increase its societal impact footprint. In this context, the Grand Challenge Program was set up which allows funding of reverse translational projects in collaboration between VIB researchers and transdisciplinary external top experts. Until now, 3 calls for proposals have been launched that resulted in the selection of 8 projects, and an additional 3 COVID-19 clinical trials were co-funded. More information about individual projects can be found on our website: https://vib.be/grand-challenges-program.