Energy communities as an opportunity for regions in transition
By presenting relevant case studies, this session will demonstrate how energy communities, organising collective and citizen-driven energy actions, can contribute to the clean energy transition, while also having the potential to provide direct benefits to locals by advancing energy efficiency, lowering energy bills, and providing employment opportunities. The session will also feature a presentation of a new funding opportunity for community-driven projects as part of the LIFE programme.
Agenda (All times are in CET)
09:30 – 09:45: Scene setting and chair
• Adela Tesarova, Head of Unit, Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition, DG ENER, European Commission
09:45 - 10:35: Presentations from representatives of energy communities in Europe
• Pedro Barata, Specialist in climate change and environmental policy, Coopérnico, Portugal
• Tomi Medved, Senior Researcher, University of Ljubljana and COMPILE project, to present the energy communities of Luče, Slovenia and Križevci, Croatia
• Ignacio Navarro Pérez de Guzman, Co-founder, Hyperion Greece
• Adrian Munteanu, Founding member, Cooperativa de Energie, Romania
• Ioanna Theodosiou, Policy Associate, The Green Tank, Greece
10:35 - 10:45: Q&A
10:45 - 10:55: Presentation by CINEA on funding opportunities for community-driven clean energy projects in coal regions
• Talia Brun Marcen, Project Advisor, Department D1 LIFE Energy & LIFE Climate, CINEA, European Commission
• Martin Eibl, Senior Project Advisor, Department D1 LIFE Energy & LIFE Climate, CINEA, European Commission
10:55 - 11:00: Concluding remarks
• Adela Tesarova, Head of Unit, Consumers, Local Initiatives, Just Transition, DG ENER, European Commission