Go with the (Energy) Flow: Adaptive Capacity Computing
Monday, May 13, 2024 4:35 PM to 5:35 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall E - 2nd floor
Birds of a Feather
Energy ManagementPerformance and Resource ModelingResource Management and SchedulingRuntime Systems for HPCSustainability and Energy Efficiency
With the ever growing size and complexity of its systems and applications, HPC has become a significant consumer of electrical energy, with Exascale sites having power ratings comparable to very large industrial installations. The rapid switch towards inherently variable Green energy sources like wind and solar impacts HPC centres and their users in a fundamental way: the grid power required for full system operation might not be available 24x7, and even if it is, prices will vary according to actual availability and consumption. Under such circumstances, HPC centres can no longer count to be able to run their systems with full capacity – either forced by energy availability or costs, or on their own choosing to help stabilize the Grid.
“Adaptive Capacity Computing” touches on system architecture, hardware, scheduling and resource management, programming models and applications with the objective of enabling future HPC centers to react gracefully to varying power profiles, achieving optimal through put and avoiding loss of computational state wherever possible.
This BoF continues the discussion started at SC23 on approaches for the HPC community at large to provide adaptive capacity computing, and how to minimise the challenges created for HPC application developers and users.
Targeted Audience
The session targets HPC suppliers (supercomputing centres, system providers, system SW developers), actual scientific and industrial users of HPC resources and application developers. All will be able to get an update of the state-of-the-art, and more importantly, to drive a discussion on the best way forward.

Felix Wolf
Professor, Leiter des Fachgebiets Parallele ProgrammierungTU Darmstadt
Michael Ott
Senior Research EngineerLeibniz-RechenzentrumAR
Ana Radovanovic
Senior Staff Research ScientistGoogle, IncAAC
Andrew A. Chien
Full ProfessorUniversity of Chicago, Argonne National Labs
Hans-Christian Hoppe
Senior Project LeadParTec AG