AI Service Centers: Pioneering AI Research and Infrastructure in Germany
Tuesday, May 14, 2024 11:10 AM to 12:10 PM · 1 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall E - 2nd floor
Birds of a Feather
AI Applications powered by HPC TechnologiesHigh-Performance Data AnalyticsIndustrial Use Cases of HPC, ML and QCLarge Language Models and Generative AI in HPC
The central mission of the four BMBF-funded national AI service centres is to establish a high-performance IT infrastructure and services based upon this that are tailored to AI research and applications. The mid-term goal is to broaden AI expertise in Germany and bring AI into applications. Being funded as part of the Federal Government's Artificial Intelligence Strategy, the four AI service centers serve to strengthen the brand "AI Made in Germany". The AI service centres provide users from science and industry with a high-performance IT infrastructure and support the transfer of AI into practice.
The four AI service centres hessian.AI, KISSKI, KISZ-BB and WestAI focus on different areas of expertise and thus harmoniously complement each other. For instance, hessian.AI focuses on the explainability, generalisability and contextual adaptation of AI, KISSKI focuses on sensitive and critical infrastructure (in particular the two areas of energy and medicine), KISZ-BB places particular emphasis on AI knowledge transfer and focuses on providing educational and advisory services, while WestAI focuses on large and transferable AI models.
In this BoF, the four AI service centres aim to (1) increase public awareness of the AI service centres and (2) to engage with potential future customers to discuss potentials and capture requirements for such services.
Targeted Audience
People working in industry and research institutes who want to realize innovative ideas and open up new AI-supported fields of application using state-of-the-art and secure AI technologies hosted in Germany.

Julian Kunkel
Scientific ResearcherGöttingen Universität
Christian Terboven
Head of HPCRWTH Aachen UniversityWS
Wolfgang Stille
Jenia Jitsev
LeadForschungszentrum Juelich
Holger Karl
Group LeaderHPI
Lasse Kohlmeyer
AI Engineer and Project ManagerHasso-Plattner-Institut für Digital Engineering gGmbH
Florian Kieser
Head of AI Service CenterHessianAI c/o TU Darmstadt