Multithreaded Parallelism for Heterogeneous Clusters of QPUs

Multithreaded Parallelism for Heterogeneous Clusters of QPUs

Wednesday, May 15, 2024 9:25 AM to 9:50 AM · 25 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall F - 2nd floor
Research Paper
Integration of Quantum Computing and HPCResource Management and SchedulingRuntime Systems for HPC


In this work, we present MILQ, a quantum unrelated parallel machines scheduler and cutter. The setting of unrelated parallel machines considers independent hardware backends, each distinguished by differing setup and processing times. MILQ optimizes the total execution time of a batch of circuits scheduled on multiple quantum devices. It leverages state-of-the-art circuit-cutting techniques to fit circuits onto the devices and schedules them based on a mixed-integer linear program. Our results show a total improvement of up to 26 % compared to a baseline approach.
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