Component Based Quantum-Integrated Supercomputing
Monday, May 13, 2024 5:40 PM to 6:00 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth L01
HPC Solutions Forum
Integration of Quantum Computing and HPCQuantum Computing - Technologies and ArchitecturesQuantum Computing - Use Cases
This presentation is about a new, unique, component-based approach of a fully integrating quantum computing solution in HPC supercomputer.
The benefit of this component based approach is many-fold: Customers can build up their quantum environment without any quantum vendor lock-in and have a high freedom of choice for optimal components: This includes choosing from different kind of Qubit-technologies (like superconducting, atoms, NV center, photonic, or quantum dots), the right components for cooling, quantum control, and optimization software to achieve the best results in terms of scale, quality, and speed. Further this enables customers to operate with a central API-layer to integrate quantum computing into their classical data center and application stacks by choosing from a wide variety of high-level and low-level quantum programming environments. A first solution is developed by ParTec in collaboration with its partners Quantum Machines and QuantWare. Further an outlook to an HPC-powered digital twin is given as well, to emulate the different combinations of components in context of customer specific use cases. First references of running prototypes will round up the presentation.
HPC Solutions Forum Questions
When is it worth it to invest in special architectures, versus sticking with industry standards?What kinds of organizations should be investing in quantum computing knowledge and experience today, instead of waiting for it to be “ready”?The next innovation: What will be the big news at ISC 2034? Be as specific as you can.