What’s Next in European Supercomputing and How to Get Access to Europe's Biggest Supercomputers for Free?

What’s Next in European Supercomputing and How to Get Access to Europe's Biggest Supercomputers for Free?

Thursday, May 25, 2023 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM · 4 hr. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall Y7 - 2nd Floor
Emerging HPC Processors and AcceleratorsExascale SystemsIndustrial Use Cases of HPC, ML and QCQuantum Computing - HPC IntegrationSustainability and Energy Efficiency


The EuroHPC JU is a joint initiative pooling together the resources of the EU, 32 European countries & private partners, it has the objective of making Europe a world leader in supercomputing. The EuroHPC JU is procuring and installing supercomputers across Europe. Wherever in Europe they are located, European scientists & users from the public sector and industry can benefit from these supercomputers. Free access is already being provided to European research organisations, with wider access planned for the future. In parallel, the EuroHPC JU is funding an ambitious R&I programme to develop a full European supercomputing supply chain: from processors and software to applications to be run on these supercomputers & know-how to develop strong European expertise. The EuroHPC JU is placing Europe in a leading position in the global supercomputing race as 2 EuroHPC supercomputers ranked amongst the world’s five most powerful supercomputers. The EuroHPC JU has already procured 8 supercomputers: LUMI in Finland, LEONARDO in Italy, MeluXina in Luxembourg, Karolina in the Czechia, Discoverer in Bulgaria, Vega in Slovenia, MareNostrum5 in Spain & Deucalion in Portugal. Join the workshop to learn how to get access to these supercomputers & know more about opportunities as the EuroHPC Academy.
Targeted Audience
Research and Industry HPC users, potentially interested to learn more about the EuroHPC JU's opportunities and to get access to Europe's biggest supercomputers for free.
Beginner Level
Intermediate Level

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