Generative AI Driven Scientific Discovery

Generative AI Driven Scientific Discovery

Tuesday, May 23, 2023 1:20 PM to 1:40 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth K1001 - Ground Floor
HPC Solutions Forum
AI ApplicationsExplainable ML TechnologyML Systems and Tools


The world is entering a new era of scientific discovery, powered by generative AI. National laboratories, research institutions, and other organizations are applying large language models with long sequence lengths towards innovative applications, such as genomics and biomedical research as well as training with unstructured data from scientific publications. Additionally, generative AI has demonstrated the ability to accelerate some of the most compute intensive research workloads such as multi-physics simulation and weather forecasting through the application of surrogate models. Join this session with Marshall Choy, SVP of Product at SambaNova to hear more about these cutting edge approaches and how some of the world's leading researchers are applying this technology to solve some of the most complex scientific and research challenges.
HPC Solutions Forum Topics
What technologies are being developed for machine learning that would not have come about for HPC previously? Are they applicable outside ML?What networking advancements would be the biggest surprise to someone stuck in the previous generation?
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