Hybrid Quantum Heterogeneous Computing within a Memory Centric Architecture
Tuesday, May 23, 2023 11:20 AM to 11:40 AM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth K1001 - Ground Floor
HPC Solutions Forum
Computing Beyond Moore's LawEmerging HPC Processors and AcceleratorsExtreme HeterogeneityQuantum Computing - HPC IntegrationQuantum Computing - State of the Art
Quantum Computers, once fully realized, can represent an exponential boost in computing power for certain applications and would likely serve alongside other classical devices in data centers of the future. However, the computational power of the current quantum computing era, referred to as Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum, or NISQ, is severely limited because of environmental and intrinsic noise, as well as the very low connectivity between the qubits, compared to their total amount within the current devices. Even in quantum computers with a large number of qubits, most of those qubits are assigned to error correction, leaving only a few, so-called Algorithmic Qubits, to perform actual calculations. This talk argues that quantum simulators provide a feasible, cost-effective transition to the quantum era by allowing developers the ability to run quantum programs in a high-performance computing environment that is hardware agnostic, while still anticipating the unique computational abilities of future quantum systems. We propose that a virtual quantum processor which emulates a generic hybrid quantum machine can serve as a logical version of quantum computing hardware that is also capable of being run on today’s machines. This hybrid quantum machine powers quantum-logical computations, which are substitutable by future native quantum processing units (QPU) to improve the design and execution of quantum algorithms, and provide a training space for high-performance computing centers during and after this transition into a fault-tolerant and scalable quantum era.
HPC Solutions Forum Topics
How will quantum computing change the HPC application landscape over the next five, ten, and twenty years?
Advanced Level
Georg Gesek
CEONovarion Systems