Next Challenges in HPC

Next Challenges in HPC

Monday, May 22, 2023 5:20 PM to 5:40 PM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth K1001 - Ground Floor
HPC Solutions Forum
Emerging HPC Processors and AcceleratorsQuantum Computing - HPC IntegrationSustainability and Energy Efficiency


The world of HPC has always been evolving, and E4 has always tried to anticipate trends to be one step ahead in technology offerings. Currently, we try to address key issues through participation in European research projects or industry events. So we want to report our vision of the next evolutions in HPC: from green computing to dynamic use of computing resources to new accelerators and quantum machines.
HPC Solutions Forum Topics
What’s the difference between high-performance computing and power-efficient computing?How will quantum computing change the HPC application landscape over the next five, ten, and twenty years?
Beginner Level
Intermediate Level
Advanced Level

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