When is cloud more efficient than on-premises computing, and vice versa?

When is cloud more efficient than on-premises computing, and vice versa?

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 10:20 AM to 10:40 AM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall H, Booth J901 - Ground Floor


This presentation addresses the following topic(s):

  • When is cloud more efficient than on-premises computing, and vice versa? How should these hybrid environments be managed? (Alternately: Discuss the efficiencies and inefficiencies of operating all on-prem, all cloud, and hybrid.)
When is cloud more efficient than on-premises computing, and vice versa? How should these hybrid environments be managed? (Alternately: Discuss the efficiencies and inefficiencies of operating all on-prem, all cloud, and hybrid.)

HPC plays a crucial role in industrial and scientific innovations but comes hand in hand with complex needs in terms of infrastructure and services. The most commonplace challenges are significant acquisition and operating costs of on-premises data centers and lacking expertise.

We at Northern Data believe that the fusion of Cloud Technologies and HPC will remove these barriers, thus unlocking the full potential of computing to the private and public domains and ultimately democratizing access to HPC resources.

The talk focuses on Northern Data's strategic development to build a European GPU-based cloud computing solution. We highlight the use of renewable energy for operating data centers and our ambitions to be carbon neutral.

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