RESEARCH POSTER WINNER - 3rd PLACE: UWLCM - Eulerian-Lagrangian cloud model for heterogeneous computing clusters

RESEARCH POSTER WINNER - 3rd PLACE: UWLCM - Eulerian-Lagrangian cloud model for heterogeneous computing clusters

Wednesday, June 1, 2022 2:00 PM to 2:04 PM · 4 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall D - 2nd Floor


Understanding of clouds in the atmosphere of Earth is important for weather and climate predictions. Detailed numerical modeling is one of tools used to study clouds. To model clouds it is necessary to model air flow (dynamics) and water droplets (microphysics). In University of Warsaw Lagrangian Cloud Model (UWLCM) microphysics are modeled using a novel Lagrangian particle-based method and dynamics are modeled in an Eulerian manner. Lagrangian calculations can be done by GPUs, while Eulerian calculations are parallely done by CPUs. We present how UWLCM has been adapted to distributed memory systems and show scaling tests.

  • Piotr Dziekan (University of Warsaw)
  • Piotr Żmijewski (University of Warsaw)

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