Mixed Precision Randomised Nyström Method

Mixed Precision Randomised Nyström Method

Tuesday, May 31, 2022 9:00 AM to 9:20 AM · 20 min. (Europe/Berlin)
Hall 4 - Ground Floor
Mixed Precision Algorithms


Randomised methods are often employed to obtain low-rank approximations of large matrices. These methods have a relatively small computational cost, which can be further reduced by performing some of the computations in lower precision. In this work, we consider a single pass version of a randomised Nyström method for approximating a symmetric positive semidefinite matrix A. This method accesses A only once to compute a matrix-matrix product. We perform this product in lower than the working precision and examine the finite precision error. The Nyström approximation is then used to construct a limited memory preconditioner for systems with coefficient matrices with spectral decay and we solve these via conjugate gradient method.

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