Live "This Week in HPC" ISC Wrap-up Podcast + Intersect360 Research HPC Market Overview
Friday, July 2, 2021 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM · 1 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)
Join Dell, AMD, and your ISC colleagues at the conclusion of the conference for the top ISC takeaways and an overview of the HPC market in general.
Addison Snell, Co-Founder and CEO of Intersect360 Research, and Tiffany Trader, Managing Editor of HPCwire, will recap the top stories and takeaways from this year’s ISC HPC conference in a live video episode of their ongoing podcast, This Week in HPC.
After the broadcast, Addison will cover highlights of the latest HPC market sizing, shares, and forecast data from Intersect360 Research, including the effect of COVID-19 and the explosive growth of HPC Cloud. Addison and Tiffany will take live audience Q&A at the conclusion of the session.
Click on the link below to register for the event.Visit the Off-Hour-Event
Addison Snell, Co-Founder and CEO of Intersect360 Research, and Tiffany Trader, Managing Editor of HPCwire, will recap the top stories and takeaways from this year’s ISC HPC conference in a live video episode of their ongoing podcast, This Week in HPC.
After the broadcast, Addison will cover highlights of the latest HPC market sizing, shares, and forecast data from Intersect360 Research, including the effect of COVID-19 and the explosive growth of HPC Cloud. Addison and Tiffany will take live audience Q&A at the conclusion of the session.
Click on the link below to register for the event.Visit the Off-Hour-Event