Enabling High Performance Computing for Industry through a Data Exchange & Workflow Portal

Enabling High Performance Computing for Industry through a Data Exchange & Workflow Portal

HPC Workflows



SSC-Services GmbH (SSC) is developing a secure data exchange and transfer platform within the EXCELLERAT project to ease the use of High-Performance Computing (HPC) resources and make the data transfer more efficient. Nowadays, organizations and smaller industrial partners face various issues while dealing with HPC calculations, HPC in general or even the access to HPC resources. In many cases, calculations are too complex and potential users do not have the required expert knowledge to fully benefit from HPC technologies without support. This is the challenge that SSC has taken on. The developed Data Exchange & Workflow Portal will be able to simplify or even eliminate these obstacles. First activities with the High Performance Computing Center Stuttgart have already been started. With the help of the platform users are now enabled to easily access the two HLRS clusters, Hawk and Vulcan, from any authorized device and run their simulations remotely.

Status Quo: In cooperation with various pilot partners from the industry, the platform prototype is undergoing various tests regarding its suitability, starting with the German Federal Institute for Population Research as the first learning project with real productive use. All user requirements and feedback are incorporated into further development and optimization so that we can offer the greatest possible added value for future users from different areas.

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