Tutorials (current list)

Tutorials (current list)

Thursday, June 24, 2021 12:00 PM to 4:00 PM · 4 hr. (Africa/Abidjan)


List of offered Tutorials (exact date and description to follow):

Advanced MPI Programming
Better Scientific Software
Compression for Scientific & Engineering Data
Determining Parallel Application Execution Efficiency and Scaling using the POP Methodology
Getting Started with Containers on HPC
Hands-On HPC Application Development Using C++ and SYCL
Hands-on Practical Hybrid Parallel Application Performance Engineering
High Performance Distributed Deep Learning
InfiniBand, High-speed Ethernet, RoCE, Omni-Path, EFA, and Slingshot for Beginners
Introduction to HPC: Applications, Systems, and Programming Models
Kokkos: Performance Portability for C++ Applications and Libraries
Maintaining a Modern Scientific Software Stack Made Easy with EasyBuild
Managing HPC Software Complexity with Spack
Mastering Tasking with OpenMP
Modern Mixed- and Multi-Precision Methods
OpenMP Common Core: Learning Parallelization of Real Applications from the Ground-Up
Productive Parallel Programming for FPGA with High-Level Synthesis
The Scalable Vector Extension: Programming Tools and Performance Analysis

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