
Silver Sponsor


Delivering a new generation portfolio of HPC systems for unprecedented results, flexibility, and efficiency

Supermicro is a global leader in high performance, green computing server technology and innovation. We provide our global customers with application-optimized servers and workstations customized with blade, storage, and GPU solutions. Our products offer proven reliability, superior design, and one of the industry’s broadest array of product configurations, to fit all computational need.

ISC 2021 Digital Highlights
Welcome to our HPC booth at ISC. While you are here, take a look at the selection of new generation HPC-optimized systems, liquid cooling solutions, whitepapers, and case studies we have available. We also have two excellent presentations in store for you; a user story from the SZTAKI University, and a session on the benefits of Green IT for HPC. You can find more details, including a link to add these to your schedule, below.
Business Hours
Our staff is available to answer your questions, or to schedule a personal meeting on: Monday 13.00-17.30 and on Tuesday-Thursday 14.00-17.30 CEST.

Company details

Products and Services
Data Center EquipmentGPUsSystems and Servers
The Netherlands (EMEA HQ)

Further resources and information

Supermicro: Performance Begins Now
Supermicro HPC Solutions
Supermicro Liquid Cooling Solutions
Ace the quiz and win a prize from Supermicro!

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