

Connected transport


Why are you tracking trucks and containers, and not goods? We propose an innovative IoT solution capable to collect added value information regarding goods from the sender toward the receiver premises. In fact, the solution is capable to cover all the legs of the logistics processes (i.e., first/last mile and cargo logistics), supporting improved goods visibility, more efficient and effective transactions (i.e., costs’ reduction), more secure shipments (e.g., for perishable goods), proactive and fact-based decision making, thus improving the costumer satisfaction (i.e., increasing the revenues). In fact, TrackOne allows: 1. The unique and standardised identification of the logistics units. Added value information (e.g., automatic weight and size measurements or items’ consolidation support) can be linked with such a unique ID. 2. Logistics units’ consolidation and deconsolidation in a container or a transport mean, supporting optimised loading and load-balancing operations. 3. Tracking and tracing free floating logistics units, in a connected environment of smart containers or smart transport means. 4. Ad-hoc monitoring the logistics units, sharing data in a secure manner, while logging important events in a time-referenced manner. Data collected managed by a proactive Cloud Platform in charge of supporting the data processing, visualisation and sharing exploiting a standardised approach. Particularly, a secure and ad-hoc data-sharing will be enabled, supporting the supply chain visibility for all the users involved in a certain transaction.

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