
Adagos is a global leader in automatic artificial intelligence software. We have developed a truly unique learning process allowing for the production of incredibly small but accurate models. This methodology allows us to never sacrifice accuracy for model size. The ability to generate small models, allows our customers to have a better prediction with less data. Less data is important, as data has both a time and monetary cost. We enable organisations across all industries to compete more effectively, reduce costs and increase the speed to market of new products. All off our models are fully embeddable and frugal.

Our Product, NeurEco, has multiple applications including, tabular regression, tabular classification, tabular compression and dynamic time series modelling. All of the above applications are extensively used in IoT solutions. There is no trade-off between size and accuracy: the size of the neural network grows intelligently little by little and when a larger network does not make a better prediction, the process is stopped. The resulting network is optimal in size and accuracy. NeurEco's models are more accurate and on average over a hundred times smaller when comparable with other software. This allows our clients the ability to do things that they did not think were possible before. NeurEco empowers companies to fully implement IoT solutions guaranteed to achieve their target business outcomes.

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