Reducing emissions to net-zero

Reducing emissions to net-zero



To stop global warming and achieve the goals of the 2015 Paris Agreement, global carbon emissions must be halved in the next decade and reach net-zero by 2050. In developed countries, this requires a transformation of society and the economy. In low- and middle-income countries, it requires climate-conscious development. To limit the rise in global temperature to 1.5°C above pre-industrial levels, net-zero carbon dioxide is required globally by 2050. This means that emissions across every part of the economy must be cut as close to zero as possible, with any residual emissions balanced by the removal of an equivalent amount of CO2 from the atmosphere using nature-based or engineered solutions. There is no blueprint for achieving a net-zero world but work by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, the International Energy Agency, national governments and others shows the scale and pace of change needed in the coming decades. Net-zero is a global goal with which everybody needs to align – governments and businesses alike. We can help you explore scenarios, assess options and develop strategies to align your activities with the transition to a net zero world, and to cut your own emissions as far and fast as possible. We can then support you to turn strategy into action through project design, delivery and operation, and by transforming your assets and systems to become more efficient and lower carbon.
Mott MacDonaldCut and adapt  Turn climate ambition into action  The world has entered a decisive decade for climate change. How we respond will have a profound impact on the health, security and prosperity of people around the world.  COP26 is a crucial opportunity for countries, cities and businesses to turn long-term ambition into near-term, practical action on climate change. This comes with huge opportunities to build a better world and improve social outcomes.  Infrastructure and the built and natural environments have a critical role to play in the transition to a resilient, net-zero world. Success requires systems thinking, digital solutions, a focus on both people and nature, and innovation in design, construction and operation. This is what we do.  We are building tomorrow’s world today. With our global expertise, interdisciplinary mindset and focus on practical solutions, we want to collaborate with our partners and clients to support a successful COP26.  As a US$2bn engineering, management and development consultancy, we’re involved in:    · solving some of the world’s most urgent social, environmental and economic challenges   · helping governments and businesses plan, deliver and sustain their strategic goals  · responding to humanitarian and natural emergencies   · improving people’s lives    Our expertise by sector includes buildings, communications, defence, education, environment, health, industry, mining, oil and gas, power, transport, urban development, water, wastewater and more. Our skills encompass planning, studies and design, project finance, technical advisory services, project and programme management, management consultancy and beyond.     For every project, we create the blend of talent needed to create the right result – appropriate; cost, carbon and resource-efficient; safe, easy and swift to deliver and operate; reliable and resilient; delivering great outcomes.   Engineering. Management. Development.

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