Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research, UNSW Sydney

Host Sponsor


The Australian Centre for Space Engineering Research (ACSER) at UNSW aims to develop local space capabilities through research & education.

We have research expertise in GNSS receiver development, satellite systems development & communications, GNSS signal jamming & interference, GNSS reflectometry, as well as a rapidly expanding repertoire of research in the field of space resource utilisation.

One of our core goals is to engage with the Australian space community through regular events bringing together industry, government and academia to share knowledge and reveal pathways to new partnerships.

Our cornerstone events are:

  • CUBESAT⁺2022: Cubesat & Smallsat Innovation Workshop (usually mid-year annually)
  • Space Resources Forum (usually bi-annual, but watch this space!)
  • IGNSS, hosted in conjunction with the IGNSS Association (usually bi-annual)

Please subscribe to our mailing list if you would like to hear more about our Cubesat or Space Resource events.

For IGNSS, the best way to stay in touch is to subscribe to the IGNSS Email Newsletter.

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