Geoscience Australia

Sustaining Sponsor


Positioning Australia

Positioning Australia accelerates the adoption and development of positioning technology and applications in Australia.

By enhancing the accuracy and reliability of positioning in Australia, we will enable innovative technologies across a range of industries and accelerate economic growth.

About Positioning Australia

Our position on the globe is essential to everyday life. Positioning allows us to locate ourselves in the world and get to where we want to go.

Services and tools

Geoscience Australia offers open-access positioning data and a range of tools and models to help you get the most out of precise positioning.

Southern Positioning Augmentation Network (SouthPAN)

Geoscience Australia in collaboration with Land Information New Zealand is working to offer precise positioning through a Satellite Based Augmentation System (SBAS) called the Southern Positioning Augmentation Network, or SouthPAN.

National Positioning Infrastructure Capability (NPIC)

Positioning Australia offers precise positioning of 3-5 cm accuracy through our network of continuously operating Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSS) ground reference stations.

Ginan: GNSS Analysis Centre Software

Ginan is a key component to the National Positioning Infrastructure Capability (NPIC) and increases positioning accuracy to 3 to 5 centimetres (from 5 to 10 metres) across Australia.

Industry case studies

Industry, Academia and Government are using accurate positioning technology through the National Positioning Infrastructure to deliver economic, social and environmental benefits.

Positioning news and updates

Positioning News is Geoscience Australia’s regular newsletter covering the latest news and developments from the Positioning community, including updates from the Positioning Australia program.

Get involved

Positioning Australia wants to support the use of accurate and real time data for positioning. We know industry, start-ups, innovators and academia are all vital to enable development and building of new applications for precise positioning.

Social media


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