Land Use & Agriculture | 4 JUN

Land Use & Agriculture | 4 JUN

Reimagine Series


Under current farming conditions, practices the UN estimates we have sixty more years of productive farming remaining. If current levels of soil degradation continue, we have 60 harvests left. The curve can only be bent if we act now. Regenerative agriculture is one of the most effective ways to fight climate change, provide food for a growing population, and keep the planet healthy. Switching to regenerative farming could sequester almost 2 tonnes of carbon per acre per year which, if scaled across agriculture, has the power to reverse global warming. That is why, the agricultural industry has a unique role to play in our global fight against climate change. Protecting and restoring global soils can help alleviate the threats of climate change by sequestering carbon emissions but only if we build carbon in agricultural soils through regenerative practices. That is why we are all here today. Core discussion points:. -How can food companies catalyse an economic environment where sustainable farming, with a focus on soil regeneration, becomes the most economic option? -What opportunities exist for technology and finance to accelerate investment in sustainable agriculture?

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