Session 3 "Steps needed to ensure the hydrogen economy becomes a reality" will begin at 10:00 GMT

Session 3 "Steps needed to ensure the hydrogen economy becomes a reality" will begin at 10:00 GMT

Thursday, February 25, 2021 9:30 AM to 10:00 AM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


The penultimate session of our 4-session event will hear from top-level representatives from government, the private sector and the finance and investment community who will discuss the steps they’re currently taking and what else needs to be done to ensure hydrogen is at the centre of a successful transition. Bringing together policymakers, the finance and investment community, business innovators, academics and non-profit professionals, this session will focus largely on audience involvement and Q&A to help identify the required policy, financial frameworks, and market dynamics/business models to ensure the success of a hydrogen economy. 

  • Support what off takers need to commit to using green hydrogen 
  • Understand the signals needed for investors to start investing 
  • Identify what steps will be taken to ensure the hydrogen economy becomes a reality  

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