Session 2 "What’s stopping the hydrogen economy from being a reality?" will begin at 14:00GMT

Session 2 "What’s stopping the hydrogen economy from being a reality?" will begin at 14:00GMT

Tuesday, February 23, 2021 1:30 PM to 2:00 PM · 30 min. (Africa/Abidjan)


The second session will delve into the current challenges and barriers to renewable hydrogen being at the heart of the energy transition. This will cover a lack of policy and regulatory frameworks to uncertainty around business models and the market for clean hydrogen and supply and demand dynamics which are hindering investors to the absence of cross-industry and cross-border collaboration. 

  • Distinguish how different governments are addressing the adoption of hydrogen into their energy transition & their role in creating a supply/demand dynamic 
  • Acquire novel ways to create cross border and cross industry collaboration  
  • Evaluate why more off takers aren’t taking up clean hydrogen  

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