Enel Green Power
Title Sponsor
Enel Green Power was founded in December 2008 inside the Enel Group to develop and manage power generated from renewable resources worldwide.
The company is present in 28 countries across 5 continents and has over 1,200 plants. It has around 49 GW of managed renewable capacity generated from a mix of resources, including wind, solar, hydroelectric and geothermal. Enel Green Power is playing a fundamental role in the energy transition, as it is one of the world’s leading renewable energy companies. Its goal is to accompany the planet into a new era in which everyone has access to sustainable, decarbonized energy.
Enel Green Power is also a founding member of RES4MED, Renewable Energy Solutions for the Mediterranean and Beyond, an association created in 2012 to promote renewable energy and the infrastructures needed to deliver the generated electricity throughout the Mediterranean area.