Innovation and Patient Safety: how to tackle current challenges in the NHS

Innovation and Patient Safety: how to tackle current challenges in the NHS

Charter 1
Safety systems and standards to drive improvement


  • Why innovation is crucial to improving patient safety.
  • How digital systems can provide new models of care by shifting away from the current mindset of addressing 'work as done.' This includes overcoming the significant operational challenges associated with PSIRF, as well as acknowledging the clear need for defining the standards of ‘what good looks like’
  • The importance of live reporting LFPSE in your trust. Hear from Milton Keynes NHS Foundation Trust, the first trust to integrate the new NHS Learn from Patient Safety Events (LFPSE) service, partnered with Radar Healthcare
  • What a holistic view of quality, safety, and risk can look like with the implementation of live analytics dashboards
  • How reporting and data can be turned into intelligence to drive outcomes across the lower-level workforce to reduce the burden on front-line staff

In Association with Radar

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