Maximising population health: Generating actionable insights and tearing down the barriers to developing a lifelong joined-up health and social care record

Maximising population health: Generating actionable insights and tearing down the barriers to developing a lifelong joined-up health and social care record

Friday, February 10, 2023 9:10 AM to 9:50 AM · 40 min. (Europe/London)


  • Building the right infrastructure for a population health management approach
  • Overcoming the challenges of differing digital maturities across different organisations to bring data together and create a system-level single source of truth
  • Using advanced analytics, focused population targeting and segmentation to turn data into actionable insights and inform planning and delivery of care
  • Ensuring two-way intelligence flow between national/regional/ICS-level systems and individual provider to work towards the national ambition of providing every citizen with a lifelong health and social care record

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